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  New official Stratego Online
Posted by: administrator - 07-28-2023 11:37 AM - No Replies

Hi everyone,

Recently news reached us that Jumbo and Wanted 5 Games are partnering up to make a new Stratego Online. There is also a beta test sign up available, you can find the link here:


Wanted 5 Games will also be present during the World Championships 2023 to demo the current state and will be hosting a meet the developers moment with some drinks.

Kind regards,

StrategoBond Nederland

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  Stratego Online Update
Posted by: administrator - 12-22-2020 01:52 PM - Replies (5)

On the 8th of December the following was posted on forum.stratego.com

Friday 4th of December we have had a positive and productive meeting with the Jumbo representative for Stratego who, like many of us Stratego fans, wants to see a happy Stratego community.

During the meeting we have discussed several topics and options regarding Stratego online. The Jumbo representative was very open minded which lead to a good exchange of ideas. He also took notice of the many stories and feedback written by our valued community members.

At this point we cannot share any concrete updates, but we did want to give the Stratego community a small update about the fact that we had a positive meeting and are exploring various possibilities together. Please note that while the discussion was positive, this is no guarantee or promise of any kind.

Strategobond Nederland
Dutch Stratego Association

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